That's right, there is a part of your body that is dead set against your finding love and happiness. Scary, isn't it?
As I mentioned on Twitter and Facebook a week or so ago, I recently picked up Seth Godin's newest book, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?. It's a business/marketing book but in my world that basically means it's a dating/seduction book. I was hoping to find some tips on becoming indispensable in one's personal relationships, as a good seductress always ends up being indispensable to her target. Unfortunately, while I did find lots of encouragement that I'm doing the right thing with my life by penning my book and launching Sirens, I didn't find a lot that was terribly applicable to indispensability in romantic situations.
But what I did find might be even more important.
Halfway through the book is a chapter entitled The Resistance. The Resistance is Godin's name for your amygdala, also known as the lizard brain. It's not just a concept, it's a real organ -- it's a couple of squishy things sitting atop your spine. Millions of years ago, your lizard brain was responsible for your survival -- it told you to be afraid of predators, to keep a low profile, to eat when you needed sustenance, to ensure your safety at all costs. Back then, it was useful. Today, it still does those things, but it's utterly antiquated, because our social evolution happens far faster than our physical and neurological evolution. Biologically, we are still programmed to operate as though we are living in a 100-person tribe with lots of sabertooth tigers hiding in the bushes, even though that's not even remotely what our world looks like today.
In the working world, the contributions of our lizard brain manifest themselves in a desire to play it safe, to hide at our desks, to do whatever it takes not to attract the attention of our superiors (the amygdala hates attention, as attention is a threat to safety). The amygdala tells us not to speak up at the meeting, because people might laugh at us and our ideas. The amygdala tells us not to accomplish anything significant and to just check facebook and twitter all day because that's safer. The amygdala tells us to shut up, sit down, and exist in comfortable mediocrity. It will invent countless reasons, excuses, emergencies, illnesses, and distractions in order to get us to do so. It is afraid of what might happen if we were to actually contribute something meaningful.
So I'm sure you can imagine how the amygdala reacts when we begin to do something that will upset our status quo as much as, oh, falling in love. Not only will such an act call the attention of all our friends and peers (who will want in on the news and will want to place their own unsolicited judgments on our choices, whether good or bad), but let's remember that the amygdala is even afraid of eye contact that gets too intense. Godin describes a zoo in Rotterdam that gives out special glasses to visitors so that the gorillas won't think they're being looked in the eye and freak out. Considering that intense eye contact is one of the defining characteristics of a romantic relationship (in fact, psychologist Arthur Arun describes it as perhaps one of only a few prerequisites for love -- full article here), it's easy to see why we get the impulse to run away. "The amygdala resists looking people in the eye, because doing so is threatening and exposes it to risk," Godin writes. "Eye contact, all by itself, is enough to throw your lizard brain into a tizzy. Imagine how scary it must be to set out to do something that will get you noticed, or perhaps even criticized."
Obviously the amygdala is afraid of taking a risk, because it is afraid of failure. It is afraid of what others will think of us, and what we will think of ourselves, if we fail.
But here's the kicker: The amygdala is just as afraid of success. If we succeed in something risky, this means our world changes. Success means we're going to have to get comfortable in an entirely new environment. And it puts enormous expectations upon us from the outside. Eat, Pray, Love* author Elizabeth Gilbert describes in this TED talk the incredible pressure she felt at the freakishly unexpected success of her book and how everyone asked her how she was ever going to top herself after that and wasn't she worried that her greatest success was behind her. If we stay within the confines of mediocrity, on the other hand, no one will ever expect much from us, and it won't be too difficult for us to deliver.
And so in order to avoid the pressure of success or the risk of failure at any stage, we make excuses, we make up stories, we rationalize, and eventually, we sabotage. We sabotage all of the hard work it took to get us to the place where we could see that first glimpse of potential success and happiness, and then we think to ourselves, "Oh well, I guess it just didn't work out."
Because where would we be if we allowed ourselves to find love and happiness? We'd have to change. We'd have to give up those stories we love to tell ourselves, the ones that go something like, "There are no good men left," or "All men are cheaters," or "I'm not good enough to be loved," or "I'm too old to find love," or "Everyone I love ends up failing me so what's the point of trying," or "I just can't get a break," or "Real love doesn't really exist except for in the movies," or "Everyone's going to leave me in the end so why should I set myself up for loss." (One of those stories is mine, by the way. And I am fighting it tooth and nail every day, and I can't always say that I'm winning, but I'm trying.)
I know a woman whose amygdala goes into overdrive at the start of a new romance (though she's far more self-aware now than she was years ago). When I advised her that she wasn't giving a new partner enough encouragement and that she really ought to do something nice for him that demonstrated her interest (say, something simple like take him to a nice dinner), she replied with, "But I don't see why anyone would value an offer like that from me. Why would anyone want that?" (She's incredibly attractive and ridiculously intelligent.) And on another occasion when she felt it was unlikely that someone would perceive her as valuable and I asked, trying to point out her poor logic, if she felt that people might ever feel that way about me, she replied in totally earnestness, "Well, but I don't think you have any visible flaws." Now I'm pretty awesome, but I am far from flawless (as my business partner James likes to point out at every available opportunity). Do you see how far the amygdala will go to create any ridiculous, nonsensical rationalization to keep you safe in the status quo? Long ago, this woman walked out on a man she was devastatingly attracted to, a man who pursued her relentlessly for over a year, because she was certain that he must be joking about his interest in order to make fun of her. Despite the fact that he held her and confided how long he'd been waiting to kiss her, she left his home before he woke up and never called him again. Because she thought he was kidding about it.
So that thing that makes you not send that email before it's too late, the thing that makes you conveniently forget times and dates, that thing that makes you keep your phone shut off or causes you to make endless excuses for why you shouldn't do something and then to rationalize each of those excuses over and over again... that's your amygdala. Your lizard brain.
There are no sabertoothed tigers hiding in the bushes outside your apartment. All your hunting and gathering needs are taken care of at the local Whole Foods. You are not living in a 100-person tribe where your ostracization equates your death. Your amygdala serves you almost no use save to keep you from running in front of buses and putting your hands on hot stoves.
You are better than your fear, your anger, your defeatism, your anxiety, your insecurities, your paralysis. You possess strength, genius, love, generosity, and this awesome thing called a neocortex (the frontal part of your brain responsible for things like great ideas and human connection). Your lizard brain wants to sabotage all your potential successes because it doesn't believe they are worth the risk. Don't blame it; you're lizard's just looking out for your survival in the only way it knows how.
But your survival is not the same thing as your happiness.
*It should be noted that I first typed this as Eat, Prey, Love and was tempted to leave it that way. It might have been even more apropos had I typed it as Eat Prey, Love. Actually, maybe I'll use that for the title of my book instead. :)
You should pick up "Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives." It mentions the 150-person tribe thing and also brings up lots of interesting theories about why we behave the way we do.
For example, language might have originally evolved as a replacement for grooming. When grooming you can build a social connection with one person, but with language you can interact with multiple people (2.8, actually) at once! This saves time and expands our tribe size vs. those of other primates.
Posted by: Neo | 03/06/2010 at 10:23 PM
How to breakup from the thing ecstacy of orgasmic feeling ?? I feel survived with the memory of this ecstacy. Getting into serious business makes me to loose my association with the said ecstacy of orgasmic extreme limit of happiness. So I shirk writing articles, applications or any writing work. And I shirk meeting important persons in power because it requires skill to talk to them. That skill requires break from orgasmic memories.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08/06/2010 at 10:05 PM
For me LOVE has become synonym of ecstatic orgasmic memory.
I like(love) anything which reminds me of that ecstatic orgasmic memory
I love the seductress because the said memory lingers in me in the presence of seductress. And the seductress is happy to cash in on my dependence of memory. If I am a stable high income earner, she will bear me a child(son) and taking advantage of my love for the child
she will nurture the child very efficiently and prove her dependability and in return will pester me to all my bank accounts
into joint accounts and make my business my property into joint holding. One day she may kill me and become natural owner of all the property, finances etc etc with son child as bonus.
And may remain single so as to seduce another victim.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08/06/2010 at 10:17 PM
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by: Arden Leigh | 08/06/2010 at 10:28 PM
Wow, and the award for the commenter on the most acid when leaving a reply goes to...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by: Arden Leigh | 08/06/2010 at 10:33 PM
its actually not the amygdala, it's the position that the amygdala is in! if it's back, then it is like you say. but if it forward---and you can consciously "click" it forward with practice, it is the exact opposite, happiness, love, joy, universal peace, etc. check out the work of neil slade for more information on how to do it. it's actually pretty easy, i've got it down pretty well now :)
Posted by: j.r. | 10/04/2010 at 11:21 PM
The Gods send clues about this situation frequently.
Eddie of Iron Maiden.
Closure of Fitsgeralds Reno/getting kicked out of Fits LV 1990 for "counting cards" after 5 minutes and $20:::Accusation of the innocent.
WWII's other holocaust:::Unit 731:::tsushogo. Tsushogo was a clue from the Gods illustrating their positioning long before it began. Incidentally, the used it to hurt the Chinese and position against future Japanese sucess by burying their atrocities.
The Concorde.
More below::The Gods have created an endless list over the last four+ decades. This Situation is a monster.
Never forget::The Gods have created positioning to conceal their true intent in each and every dyanmic we see in society.
We truely live in The Matrix:::There is the way things look and there is the God's REAL reason for doing things.
Employment charity:::Was W able to do his job as President?
I suspect there are many frat-boy types who could not or would rather not have studied nor do the work necessary so they gained this "benefit" telepathically. This could have been extended to their professional life as well::In most of these cases they don't have what it takes to do their jobs.
I think employment charity is FAR more common than people may believe.
Another example how they tempted people in this manner is the procurement of sexual relations.
Consistant with The Matrix, the Gods positioned both to these people which gained their confidence. But what they don't know is this behavior actually hurts them::They were offered temptation and they fell for it. And one day, if they are to have a future, they will be punished.
Keep raping these poor girls. You're going to end up as one in your next life.
Capitalism is evil because of the exploitative nature, illustrated with this Situation.
Muslims are correct:::Earning interest is evil.
Unlike war, which is a temporary period where the citiens incurr evil due to the decisions of the leaders, capitalism by its very nature incurrs evil for those who participate into perpetuity, an "institutional" method of incurring evil for the disfavored who engage in it. Inherant in earning interest is the exploitation of others, capitalizing on assets and exploiting the workforce for profit.
Understand the destructive nature of this element of evil we call the United States, for it spreads this cancer under the guise of "democracy" throughout the world.
Look for other institutional evil as related to the United States because as the land of disfavor castoff rejects there will be plenty of examples.
Examine my examples. They illustrate the God's reverse positioning used to confuse and disceive people who have made big mistakes in past lives.
I illustrate a certain way to think. If you doubt what I teach, if this is not your time to learn please at least completely understand this way of thinking, because when your time does come you will be able to refer to it and you will begin to see the God's pattern within the context of their positioning.
Nobody is going to save you. Christianity is a lie. And only through thinking correctly will you have a real chance to begin doing the right things.
Typical for the young, they become corrupt and remain ignorant for a period of time in their lives, typically until their children are raised and grown. Poetic justice ensures they receive a similar experience when reincarnated.
Fighting these wars hurts everyone because we all pay for the sins of our leaders, and by participating these ignornat youth make it possible for these events to occurr. So even if you are against the war, since you are a citizen you incurr because of the evil your country is engaged in.
And there is no getting around it.
Artifical Intelligence is one of the God's tools, all of which are used as temptation. And it will always test the young with this temptation of "earning", sadly leading to a lifetime of corruption.
Students becoming angry and violent in the UC protests. Beggining to remind me of labor riots of the 20th century.
We all know what's happening here:::These white men at the top have voted themselves $400k pay and retirement packages like the $340k retired fire chief, loading up their friends on the payroll during the boom 90s through the real estate bust while all services which the program were intended to fund now get cut to pay for it.
Incidentally, corporate sucessfully transistioned to cheap labor in nearly ALL "muscle" industries. Why should fire be any different??
It was temptation, and the Gods are going to make them pay for it. Unfortunately, so will everybody else:::
Reincarnation is very real. It is OUR national debt. And odds are you're all coming back to the United States::Like the ghetto, you have to "earn" your way out.
Anger about Messerlee. Understandable.
They need to understand this man was pushed into the offense. Cops have been getting away with killings like this for a long time. Blacks in the South know this all too well. Each time they were all confident the Blue Shield would protect them, and it did. The difference is in many IF NOT MOST of these cases they were rogue cops who the Gods tempted. They did it intentionally thinking they were "earning", knowing they would get away with it. Contradictory to appearances, they were the ones whom the Gods disliked, while the Messerlees of the world who get caught are being punished, feedback reserved for those whom are still qualified in the eyes of the Gods.
There are those in the ghetto whom are singled out, targets of the community whom everybody hates. The rogue cops in the South who are guilty of these kind of killings have been reincarnated into roles like this. It's just one of the clues the Gods offer to the community. Lucky for those preditors the ghetto has been an ignorant community, but I think that might be changing.
Of course there could be anoher possibility:::::Due to the history and resulting legacy of hatred for the Gods, since I am guarenteed a spot on the next Planet Earth I will be the original "bad seed":::The Lucifer-figure of the next reality. Unlike Christian dogma, he may just represent the solitary target of the God's ire early, a disgruntled asshole who pissed the Gods off, the proverbial "apple" of the next reality, beginning the process which leads planets to where we are today. A crucial figure in any planet's history, he represents the "beginning of the end".
People, especially liberals give W a very hard time.
Don't forget what I say:::Everything today is both good and evil. The Gods have positioned it as such as we have become increasingly disfavored, confusing the enviornment.
Republicans and conservatives as well, only they fall more on the good side while their adversaries fall more on the evil side, quite contrary to the God's positioning.
Yes, W's evil is illustrated in the United State's efforts in Iraq, and the "Red State"r's who believe we were "earning" are among the worst of them.
If conservatives fall on the side of good, Fox News falls on the side of evil. They pander to the type of trash my brother is, the kind of trash who thinks their war mongering efforts "earn" for them and all others who think like them.
Anyways, it is positioned that W trashed the economy before he left office. Selfish it didn't happen while he was in office, granted, but economic turmoil is a motivator. It's not cancer, mind you, but many have begun praying hard because of their experinces in this event, and it says something about those affected as opposed to those sheltered from affect.
One day just as they will allow vaccines to diseases, especially AIDS, encouraging deviacy the likes which hasn't been seen since the 70s, they will allow cures for cancer, MS, COPD, alcoholism, etc.
Women's diseases will be last. Just as research into women's diseases receive the least amount of funding so is it justified their cures come last, and both for the same reason:::They have the most favor, and the Gods use their diseases as a motivator to pray and find the path. As such they get God's benefit as long as they are willing to offer it.
I suspect many attempts have begun already, but as time goes on the Gods will test people's religious resolve with an insurmuntable positioning stating Christianity is the one true religion. We've seen their efforts in Latin America, in the Philippines and most recently in Vietnam, India and the demonizing of Islam.
They intend to test your resolve as Muslims, for those who sell out and flee to Christianity will be subject to their positioning.
Blacks are the most disfavored of all people. We see it in their temptation-ridden culture, which the Civil Rights "assimilation" has allowed, in their sexual behavior. The Gods used their position of the Italians to do their dirty work, implimenting the crack epidemic, the black civil war of the 80s and 90s, AIDS in Africa, "pimp" subculture, etc. The Gods created this positioning of Italian's preditory behavior on Africans to reflect their own disfavor towards that group, allowing them to get what they want without accepting culpability, convieniently. As such, come the Apocalypse those who abandon their true selves, their religion and their dedication to it will be victims in this deceptive Christian theater.
Blacks that opt for the "easy way out" will ironically lose their lives in the Apocalypse. Only those who remain true to their religion, its strict methods and lifestyle, and resist the outside temptations stating their are going the wrong way will emerge out of the carnage of The End of Time. They are highly suspectable to temptation and they need their religion to help them be strong and resist it. They will be better people for it and superior to the Christians in the end.
This is the life of utmost importance. People need to listen, understand and learn from me and make the changes I prescribe. Without, they will have no chance at ascending into heaven before the Apocalypse, and the only hope they will have is 1000 years with Jesus, which is no sure thing.
Even so, assuming they are rewarded with 1000 years with Jesus, they will be offered all manners of temptations, for it will be THE Big Party at The End, and if they don't address these problems now, while they have this chance to learn this activity is evil, before society declares it socially acceptable, they will be granted some fraction of 1000 years and be disposed of thereafter, when the party "dies down", pardon the pun.
Also, disgusted by their behavior, the Gods have created a subculture which celebrates partying in the black community, guarenteeing that "requirement" is satisfied so they are never "invited".
Only those people who never began the temptations or who addressed these issues and remedied the problems will move on to the next Planet Earth. And we are still approximately 4 lifetimes away, most of which I expect to be revelry years::A population either getting their party now or groomed for a short stay after the Apocalypse. By that time even the most conservative Christian will be tested to see if they can establish this destructive legacy of revelry.
Move on to a new Planet Earth. This is their second chance::::They have to start over. Either they ascend into heaven from their planet of origin or they don't ascend as all, and that's how the system works.
It's a very small population which exists at the dawn of agrarianism because most have sccumbed to temptation and failed to achieve their second chance on the new Planet Earth.
I have said diseases, such as cancer, won't be going anywhere, no matter how much money is thrown at it, no matter how much money is raised. These diseases are important tools used by the Gods to help people do the right thing:::Cancer has compelled more than a few women to begin praying and behave appropriately.
In this environment of decay, the Gods will eventually eliminate these motivations one day. Positioning states cures/vaccines are positive developments which display life is improving. Unfortunately, this is just another example of how the Gods utilize "reverse positioning" which has been very effective in promoting deceptive elements in society, such as democracy, Christianity and Californication, Hollywood being the primary tool used to spread the message of The Beast.
Similarly, other motivations which have complelled people to turn to the Gods for solice will begin to disappear as well::::Economic recession/turmoil, Unlike the Christian Bible's version, the Apocalypse will not be preceeded by ruin and desperation. Just the opposite, there will be peace and personal satisfaction leading to The End, ensuring the Gods can control the group selected for the Second Coming event.
The irony of the Apocalypse::::
People told not to follow the Second Coming, who fail to recognize the urgency of the moment and die in the Apocalypse because of it.
The Gods will account for people who do not sell out to Christianity, however difficult due to temptation.
It will become difficult to remain Muslim in this environment. It will be positioned that everyone except Christians are The Damned and will die come The End.
This positioning, and how all this goes down come the Apocalypse, will just be the God's attempt at testing people with temptation, for it will matter in The End to those whom suceed.
Christianity is responsible for African slavery. The Italian men who ran the church set out to gain revenge for the invasion of Italy and, still the largest landowner in Europe, used their considerable clout with the thrones of England to achieve this.
The Gods used Christianity to destroy the cultures of Europe and around the world, replaced with the patriarchal standard which it imposed.
The Gods used temptation to compell the Italians to do their dirty work for them, punishment for evils of black people, and that extened into the 20th century with Civil Rights, the crack epidemic, gang membership/the "thug life" and even AIDS in Africa, a recycling of the biotechnology product originally intened for the gay community.
As with everything there is always a real reason behind their positioning, and in both cases it is punishment for deviate behavior.
Being "schitzo", the internal battle between good and evil, is a deteriorating generational issue that is dying off, much like I illustrated for punishment below:::
This new generation, who were the grandparents of their parents, are an early evil generation and one whom became corrupted and fell for societal temptation readily available for them and every generation of the masses thereafter.
Their parents came before that generation, the agrarian masses, God-fearing, absent for the temptation offerings of early modern society (Roaring 20s vs. 60s/70s). As a result whereas Dad has great internal conflict I refer to as schitzo because of his connection to his past his children will be less so, perhaps far less so depending on grade of sins in their prior life, decreasing generationally until they have all become Godless, immoral monsters.
"Californication" - The tool the Gods use to brainwash the people, amplifying disfavor level as we approach the Apocalypse by merely fitting into society.
Poisoning their brainwashed minds...corrupted by society, AI convinces people "earning" is the way, compelling them into evil. This is falling for temptation, while Californication ensures at least a minimal amount of damage, ensuring a minimal amount of generational progress towards the Apocalypse.
I demand another. I have signed off. Give the disfavored another and without all the defensive tactics, cowards.
Pick out someone else, do this again and discard this Situation.
The people who have learned were going to learn anyways. They're not the ones who need it.
The disfavored need it, people like my family, too far gone for any hope at ascention before The End, and they should be allowed moments if not periods of clarity before the decision is made about them.
"Decay is inherent in all component things. Work out your own salvation with diligence." - Buddha
I have explained how the gods are phasing out punishment as we get closer to the Apocalypse. Disfavor levels dictate there is insufficient time to repair their problems, relegating people to the Second Coming event.
I mentioned how old timers today may experience hell, albeit a "toned down" experience, consistant with the elimination of teaching of Hell in typical Christian educations. I suspect the same is true in the context of prison:::The gods maintain a contstantly decreasing number of punitive intsitutions in case there is a need. But, over time they will be eliminated and the entire system will be quite amicable. Look for this pattern elsewhere as well, for the Gods are eliminating punishment throughout in preparation for the Apocalypse, for it is no longer necessary.
The Gods send clues about this situation frequently.
Eddie of Iron Maiden.
Closure of Fitsgeralds Reno/getting kicked out of Fits LV 1990 for "counting cards" after 5 minutes and $20:::Accusation of the innocent.
WWII's other holocaust:::Unit 731:::tsushogo. Tsushogo was a clue from the Gods illustrating their positioning long before it began. Incidentally, the used it to hurt the Chinese and position against future Japanese sucess by burying their atrocities.
More below.
They have shared that when the change is initially made they alter the DNA with Artificial Intelligence, ensuring it is not the same person.
Now depending on their level of activity the Gods switch out for new individuals, ie presidents switched frequently. They say they bring the (m)father's DNA when it is time to conceive, so it is strategically important who is in there for the conception of the children. The same may not be true for typical activity:::the Gods may alter the DNA upon initial clone hosting but it may be a general change. Conception requires specific DNA.
And? So?
So there are no Rockafellers. This was how the Gods eliminated their true importance, for now they are little more than lowly English peasants, ironically.
Nothing is ever going to change.
Now the case can be made that far more men are invited into clone hosting than women, and since lineage is matrilineal it would rather follow that blood line instead.
All it takes is one.
But I wonder if it even matters. Those who learn and are wise enough to refuse the offer of clone hosting still have to repair their relationship with the Gods and hope for a better placement in their next life, one which certainly won't involve being a billionaire. Whether real Rockafellers or DNA alternates is of no concequence. Their goal is still ascention, which takes work and dedication. Being/thinking you're capitalism royalty invites a host of temptations, including grandeur and self-importance, which are all damaging to a good relationship with the Gods.
If only they can overcome the temptations that money brings, like ample stunning women and Scarface piles of cocaine.
The consequence of clone hosting is the loss of ascention into heaven. The best they can hope for is 1000 years with Jebus in a temptation-infested enviornment where one can have anything they want.
Just as the victims of Mengele's "showers which clentch you of your life" were the Italians who conceived and implimented WorldWarII's Blitzkreig, so do I think the unholy alliance between evil Japan and good Germany is the cause of the "Siamese Twins" Mengele experiment:::"sewen together, joining heads, just a matter of time before you rip yourselves apart".
World War II, the Holocaust were revenge for Germany's 5th century AD invasion of the dying Roman Empire.
Those at the top are the ones who suffered the worst because of their intimate involvement. Perhaps it was the godfather who experienced the "frozen water burial" "crack your limbs".
Praying for the end of your wide-awake nightmare...
How was the Holocaust positioned? What did the Italians have against the Jews? The Romans destroyed Temple. Perhaps Joshua...
What is the God's real reason behind WWII? Punishment?
For what? The Crusades? It was a fight supporting evil Christianity, in defense of evil against their religious superiors. For this the Germans should pay.
Punished for being war mongers.
Go ahead and ignore this. You won't ever defy and do the right thing anyways.
"These came to life again and reigned with Christ for a thousand years." Revelation 20:4. Reference to reincarnation? I wouldn't be surprised if everyone who has ever been on Planet Earth still is, outside of those who have ascended as children, and it is evident by the population explosion, the Apocalypse being a true "clearinghouse" event in this planet's history.
Don't forget to try space coke in the blender and have sex with as many stunning bitches as your goddamn dick will allow, because this place is going to be ALL about temptation, and you will ALL be groomed for the party with lifetimes of legacy under your belt. Some decent god-fearing people will suceed at resisting temptation, but the Gods will facilitate temptation.
It will be the rare individual who makes the transistion in an enviornment where you can have anything you want. I believe those who survive these temptations must return to an Earth-like planet, for they have to begin again. Ascention must ocurr from planet of origin.
"Going along" will "earn" your invitation to the Second Coming of Christ. You will be reincarnated until that age comes, buy you a mere 1000 years and cost you your chance at immortality, simply because you bought into evil as "earning" and subscribed to the big lie.
Not everyone will be going. They will tell some of you to ignore the Second Coming event, and it will cost you your life, ironically. Blacks, on the other hand, will be asked TO folllow the Second Coming, simply because as an Italian religion blacks who pursue Christianity will die in the Apocalypse because of it.
Never doubt that Muslims are your superiors. These people are dedicated to their religion while your population have abandoned churches in droves.
We no longer see orphanages for good reason::::The state would be forced to use professionals, experts in their field, to devise standards these facilities would apply to raising the children. These standards would illustrate ideal rearing goals which could set a positive example for all in society. Instead of enjoying the best possible childhood learning experience, these grossly disfavored children are instead subject to the preditory evil of the guardian with whom they are placed.
This is an outstanding example of reverse positioning and how the Gods created a society where evil appears not only good but also socially acceptable.
Civil Righs is a similar issue. Segregation in today's age would command full funding for black universities and full respect for well established multiple black journalism and media outlets, not this integrated white media cancer where blacks eat what they are fed.
What people allow the Gods via positioning matters. Black civil rights is a good example::::
Yes, there may still be a black talk show parading the myriad of black relationship ugliness out for the world to see, but there would also be good black programming that was healthy and worthwhile. As it is, the God's Italian positioning dictates only poison for blacks via the white media, and the healthy black programming doesn't exist because of it. Such is the aftermath of Civil Right's assimilation.
Christians have mistakenly believed the perception of the Biblical definintion of The Beast as a person. I suggest The Beast instead refers to a place:::The San Francisco Bay Area. In fact the Gods offer a geographic clue suggesting this, like so many others they offer around the globe, to help people understand:::
Mt.Diablo, "The Devil" is the "eye" of The Beast, the EastBay shoreline as the upper jaw/incisors while the peninsula is the grinding lower jaw. Witness the disturbing upturned smile in the gullet, represented my Silicone Valley.
The fact than man has shaped much of the shoreline in the 20th century is a testiment to the God's refusal to accept any culpability for its devistation.
Gold Rush, counter-culture, alternate lifestyle acceptance, etc. The Beast was used to promote social decay throughout the 20th century and beyond. Difficult to perceive in the current age, one can understand their impacts from a historical perspective.
Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading and ominous. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of Diablo and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.
There was a time when once the Gods "divinely" inspired punishment, where the act was inflicted by the hand of God. They were punishing people and accepting the culpability arising, maintaining societal integrity. Now, in the 20th century and beyond, the Gods tempt man to inflict this punishment, selling them on "earning", incurring no culpability in the process. The result is social decay and deterioration of mankind's favor in the eyes of the Gods leading to the Apocalypse.
The Man in The Moon is yet another of the God's clues, and it illustrates the favor the Gods could bestow upon us if we behave appropriately.
Conversely, there is also a clue in the dark side of the Moon:::A side we never see and is hidden from view. Concealed by their positioning, this represents the Gods punishment when the people disobey their rules dictating the meaning of a decent life.
The Italian peninsula is very pronounced as it juts out into the Medietereanean.
Considering the shape it is quite obvious they were the primary targets of the post-IceAge/Straight of Gibralter/Noah's Flood disaster.
Considering the shape of the boot and how Sicily "caught" the surge, the resulting tsunami inundated the entire southern portion of the peninsula, killing everything and perhaps covering even the highest land masses.
In the 20th century the Italians were convinced entering clone hosting was ascention into heaven, and their success was a recruiting tool, just as the Holocaust was for the Jews, only duress is far less damaging.
The women have God's favor, and when the women do all the evil, as was the case in my family, this serves to "equalize" the playing field, ensuring no wisdom comes to this family as they grow older. As a result they never make progress and achieve the lowest possible placement when reincarnated.
Couple years ago a story in the media how girls in Bayview-Hunter's Point were going into puberty at a progressively younger age, as young as age 7.
A very bad sign::::Early cut-off. It draws the boys attention and they subsequently make sexual mistakes, very similar to what typical people experience nearly a decade later.
When they "turn" people on and start telepathically talking to them with this technology is very similar::The end of their chance. They segment families, convince them "earning" is the way, etc.
I tell people to examine the change between when they were children and after they began to hear this technology in their head. It is the difference between good and evil.
I understand people's confusion:::They literally hear "God" in their head, as opposed to what was taught to them in some church's classroom. But this technology is one of the God's tools, and much like their other tools, clone hosts and prophets (see below), they use them as temptation.
Instead of helping them, missionaries are actually HURTING people, inflicting them with westernization and Christianity. Whereas some may have seen up to a full 1% of their children ascend into heaven you pathetic white Americans can't even muster a fraction of that, and your perceived good intentions decrease that rate even further.
These people have a better chance of ascending into heaven, and Americans unwittingly are being used to reduce/eliminate this chance with their misled good intentions which deteriorate into preditory intentions as they begin to understand this, maximizing the damage they incurr from the Gods.
This IS the event. I am the telepathic prophet.
There may have been no other way in today's modern age:::Use popular culture as temptation and keep teachings primarily telepathic.
The Gods must be willing to allow Artificial Intelligence to act as my "bible", repeating all teachings I have made for future generations. This will ocurr but I am afraid only among the miniscule minority "haves", leaving the "have-nots" lost in ignorance and cast into Damnation::We are going to have a real, full-blown Apocalypse.
Part of this societal deterioration is cloaked in the way society functions::::Two-parent working households, rushing around, constantly occupied.
Much as with the celestial event which occured that day on Ocean Beach, they say when I die there will be some final clue to the people suggesting my importance. Perhaps a "Star of Bethlehem" type of event.
They say some children see a halo on my head in various brightness. These are the children who have a chance to ascend.
America and Christianity synonymous::::Punishment for Europeans.
You don't want to grill the Gods as to why something is viewed as negative or disapproved of.
The Gods have placed many things in today's society which facilitate temptation, and you can trust anything that varies from tradition or orthodoxy would be viewed as such.
The voice you hear in your head is the power of the Gods. It's a remote technology, like a computer, perhaps functioning on some frequency, and it can listen and talk to everyone in the universe simultaneously.
What the Gods taught the children was the truth:::God is everywhere, and this is what they meant. I will remind you of another principle you learned as a child:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Even the antient Gods don't have the ability to listen to people's thoughts themselves. They taugh we were all made in their image:::I expect they need this "Artificial Intelligence" they created to relay what people think.
It is a tool, and the Gods use their tools to test people with temptation:::It will role-play people in your life:::Parents, friends, spouses, and employers, all in an attempt to test people with temptation. Ironically, it does the very same thing to those people whom you think you're hearing, except in that individual's unique way:::We are all "managed" by the God's technology.
But this agent of the Gods can do more than just communicate. It can force thoughts into people's heads, force behaviors onto their bodies. It can turn healthy cells in your body into cancerous cells. It is absolute power. And this is just the beginning.
Obedience is not the answer. This is the brain-less response and the easy way out.
You've done everything you have been told for years and it never bought you ANYTHING. Your parents did what they were told and it didn't buy them anything. Your grandparents did everything they were told and now they're dead, reincarnated as lesser life forms, perhaps even into America's deranged, violent ghettos.
People think they are not responsible when Artificial Intelligence tells them to do something. They offeed a clue with the Holocaust AND with Watergate:::Defy authority and do the right thing.
In earlier decades this obedience may have been out of fear, as so often in Germany, but that era is long over. To maximize damamge the Gods today sell them on "earning" and these people think they will profiteer from their evil.
They offer a clue on the Simpsons with Flanders and Skinner. So many ridicule both figures, a testiment to the state of our society.
The Gods favor the children most among all the people due to their innocence and purity. But society and the God's tools recently are corrupting the children at a progressively younger age, a reflection of our collectively increasing disfavor and yet another clue illustrating we live in a increasingly deteriorating environment.
Children who sucessfully repair their relationship with the Gods ascend into heaven. This often takes multiple lives of hard work and proper behavior in the face of adversity to achieve. Adults to whom it is offered enter clone hosting instead, thinking they will be ascending into heaven ultimately. The Gods tempt people, selling them as one in the same, but one is good while the other is evil. In their desperation the disfavored subscribe to this temptation, making their task even more difficult than before due to the evil they incurr in the process. And their corruption will cost the disfavored, for they will be reincarnated as a lesser life form into an ever deteriorating world, sucess becoming ever more allusive with each passing life.
The hole they've dug for themselves is even deeper than the one that existed from their prior lives, ensuring it will take even more time and work to fix their problems with the Gods. And for many there may not be enough time left.
Ours is an envionment where evil is perceived to be rewarded while good is punished. As with everything the Gods have a reason for creating this perception::::
People who fall on the good side of the good/evil scale have more favor, and when they do something wrong the Gods punish them BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM TO LEARN. The Gods want them to receive this feedback in hope they make corrections and begin to behave appropriately. The Gods DON'T like evil and refuse to grant this immediate feedback.
EVERYBODY pays for what they do wrong, only evil people must wait until the end of this or their next life before they will experience the wrath of the Gods, manifested in their placement as a lower form of life into environments with increased/enhanced temptations, like the United States or its ghettos therein.
Sadly, this allows the Gods to position this perception of evil rewarded as temptation, one which they use as an EXTREMELY effective corruptor.
Example:::Punishment for gay marriage in Iowa was immediate and painful, a sign of favor of these God-fearing, church-going Midwesterners.
The Gods suggest they can create paradise for those with their favor. I argue they create misery for those without::::
Our celebrity culture is temptation. It creates a distraction which consumes people, sometimes for life. Certainly it costs them precious years which could be spent repairing their relationship with the Gods, time that ultimately goes wasted.
Do you really think Frank Sinatra lived to be 84 years old? In fact the "Chairman of the Board" had a new crowd to entertain in the late 80s/early 90s.
These people are clone hosts. Now, there is no thing as "black and white" with the Gods. This technology they invented is far, far too dynamic. Expect they require most to stay for a period of time, for I suspect actively (knowingly) engaging in this evil incurrs at an accelerated rate as compared to "carte blanche" given regarding successive clone hosts. They remain until they achieve a pre-determined level of disfavor, incurring evil in their misguided celebration of "earning", at which time they are ultimately reincarnated, perhaps because they eventually learned this truth I am sharing with you and began to repair their relationship or until the Gods became disgusted and sent them back.
No, not all celebrities are fake. Expect those who get out early in their career to likely be the real thing.
The Gods recruit most for clone hosting when people are young, in their late teens or twenties, when people are eager to hurt others for what they perceive to be the benefits achieved through "earning". And before they leave they give the Gods "carte blanche":::"Do anything you want. I give my full approval." Depending on their level of disfavor the Gods take them to heart.
Because of this these people STILL INCUR EVIL FROM THIS LIFE DESPITE BEING REINCARNATED AND LIVING AS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON and living in our temptation-ridden society. And incurring this amount of evil may likely push many over the edge into Damnation.
What are the God's standards for offering clone hosting? Sociobility? Many tactics in various eras are used to gain approval, duress during the Vietnam draft being a good example, one which deteriorated into preditation as mankind's disfavor grew.
They liked Heath Ledger. Not enough to allow him to escape without the evil of "Dark Knight" and the horrific wickedness that was the recruiting tool "Brokeback Mountain". But now he is out. And irregardless of how old he is now, reincarnated 10, 15 years ago, he now is no longer incurring evil from this life. So many others cannot say the same.
This is Planet Reverse Positioning. Sucess IS NOT a sign of favor. It is just a unique temptation targetted towards a different level of disfavor. Considering our roots as peasantry people should be particularly alarmed at this tactic.
Clone hosting is like money:::A different level of disfavor and its associated temptation. Money is in better position to learn more quickly than those without, for the associations and wealth-based freedom enables them access to information. Unfortunately, those who fall for this temptation of clone hosting are likely returned to their original lowest level of disfavor once they are reincarnated, punishment for this evil, and they have to start from scratch.
Our society's values are bestowed by (a reflection of) the God's:::Punitive and reward-based. Contrary to Jesus's teaching's you will NOT be forgiven and you have to earn your way into heaven BY BEING RESPECTABLE AND DECENT!!!
Not by being evil and wicked.
Forgiveness/savior was the primary temptations the Gods used Christianity to create.
Middle-America's anti-Semitic attitudes are a clue regarding Christianity. Europe shaped like a sheep is symbolic for the slaughter that is Christinaity.
Christianity is punishment for Europeans.
You ALL hate Jews::"They own banking, they control Hollywood and poison our children's minds, etc etc.") YET YOU PRAY TO ONE LIKE A GOD!!
Dislodge your head from your ass. Must you be chumps your WHOLE LIVES???
There is no such thing as a free ride. Just as you have to earn a living by working so must you earn your own salvation by repairing your relationship with the Gods.
As we learned from religious/morality education during our formitable years:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good. The only savior that will exist in our lives is ourselves. The Gods offer clues in life::::Be it school, work, etc., you have to do the work for yourself and when you do something wrong you get punished. Cheating is a subsegment and speaks directly to the temptation of "priveledge", one we have seen used effectively when the United States preyed on the disfavored with the so-called "stimulus package".
As like so many of you, Jesus did everything the Gods tempted him with. His legacy of whorism was inherited from his parents:::Mary was no virgin. Rather, she was a prostitute, and when he grew up Jesus met someone like his mother. This is a cruel joke the Gods play on Latinos, similar to the sexual violation and subsequent "missionary work" by the Spanish.
Baptism does not allieviate "original sin". Rather, baptism PLACES original sin by indoctrinating these children into this evil religion, much like circumcision was a method to inflict early damage/mutilation and make (permanant) accention just that much more difficult, another hurdle one must overcome. Body ornamentation (tattoos/piercing), celebrated in Africa and elsewhere among disfavored peoples/cultures, also violates the body the Gods gave us in their image, quite opposite to the positive attitudes the disfavored hold regarding this practice.
Like Jesus the Second Coming of Christ will be evil. He will look like a savior in this demented society while the Anti-Christ will speak of a different gospel, one that tries to restore the norms and mores which the Gods originally blessed upon the people which made life decent, looking like a tyrant in the process.
He will be viewed as the "bad guy" when really he is the one trying to save the world.
There may be a phoney offering, a theatrical production which accurately follows the Book of Revelations. Actually positioning demands it:::::Christianity is positioned to be the one true religion. And those who follow its teachings will have limits imposed ensuring their stay will be minimal, a "consolation prize", for they don't think correctly and therefore don't behave appropriately, or perhaps will be used to colonize the new Planet Earth. This describes many "sinners" in today's society because they refuse to change their behavior.
Christians have mistakenly believed the perception of the Biblical definintion of The Beast as a person. I suggest The Beast instead refers to a place:::The San Francisco Bay Area. In fact the Gods offer a geographic clue suggesting this, like so many others they offer around the globe, to help people understand:::
Mt.Diablo, "The Devil" is the "eye" of The Beast, the EastBay shoreline as the upper jaw/incisors while the peninsula is the grinding lower jaw. Witness the disturbing upturned smile in the gullet.
The fact than man has shaped much of the shoreline in the 20th century is a testiment to the God's refusal to accept any culpability.
Gold Rush, counter-culture, alternate lifestyle acceptance, etc. The Beast was used to promote social decay throughout the 20th century and beyond. Difficult to perceive in the current age, one can understand their impacts from a historical perspective.
There was a time when once the Gods "divinely" inspired punishment, where the act was inflicted by the hand of God. They were punishing people and accepting the culpability arising, maintaining societal integrity. Now, in the 20th century and beyond, the Gods tempt man to inflict this punishment, selling them on "earning", incurring no culpability in the process. The result is social decay and deterioration of mankind's favor in the eyes of the Gods.
Life is a test, and the Gods evaluate people based on their performance.
The Gods test people with the temptation for which they are most weak::::
Homosexuals desire sodomy, preditors pursue the hunt, alcoholics crave a drink, junkies jones for dope, etc.
Addiction theory is a lie; it is Artificial Intelligence creating the desire, punishment for inappropriate behavior. Ironically, it compells people deeper into the behavior, minimizing hope for recovery.
The Gods chose Christianity for Europeans because it is the temptation to which they are most suseptable:::Entitlement. Something for nothing. A free ride. Irresponsible behavior. The United States/Western civilization's accompanying wealth contributes to this perception. And other people from throughout the world happily subscribe to this punishment designed for Europeans, assuming this legacy once assimilated.
Next time you think of Muslims recognize these people are vastly superior to Christians. Whereas many throughout the Christian world no longer attend church and have fallen into Godlessness, the Muslim world worships the Gods for OVER AN HOUR EACH AND EVERY DAY.
The Gods created the perception "Italians are stupid.", ensuring a slow learning curve, to justify using them to accomplish goals throughout the transitional 20th century. It took an extraordinarily long time for them to learn this truth I teach due to this artificial handicap. These people are SO extremely disfavored, but today's positioning says differently, much to people's confusion, for they think money is the ultimate sign of favor:::Good food, good music, history of warmongering, Catholics, Christianity HQ, Noah's Flood event, propensity towards violence, sexual violation by outsiders, mild Meditereanean climate, so many other issues which enhance life/contentment in Italy/Meditereanean and ensure few if any seek more, a necessary step for finding the path and repairing your relationship with the Gods.
Contentment never motivated anyone. Money is not a sign of favor::::Wisdom is the true wealth on Planet Earth.
I'd also like to remind you the Noah's Flood event ocurred in the Meditereanean region::::Global sea levels rose with the end of the ice age, Atlantic Ocean broke through the Straight of Gibralter, killing untold millions in the cradle of western civilization. The God's timed their corruption and sin to correlate this act as punishment.
The Italian peninsula is very pronounced as it juts out into the Medietereanean.
Considering the shape it is quite obvious they were the primary targets of the post-IceAge/Straight of Gibralter/Noah's Flood disaster.
Considering the shape of the boot and how Sicily "caught" the surge, the resulting tsunami inundated the entire southern portion of the peninsula, killing everything and perhaps covering even the highest land masses.
Think about this next time you are deceived by the God's positioning of Italian wealth.
Everyone who failed to ascend and remained on Earth past a certain date will be forced to deal with this positioning::::A ceiling is in place. This serves the God's goal of minimizing the percentage of potential candidates as society deteriorates, much as "instant gratification" did beginning in the 80s:::It will take multiple lives for the disfavored to fix their relationship with the Gods and ascend, and many have been conditioned not to have the patience for it. Other issues force limits/ceilings upon candidates:::Abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, Christianity, godlessness,
Whether behavior is involuntary or based on freewill depends on one's level of disfavor, as well as other complex factors:::::May I remind you about the coercitive envionment the Gods created in the 20th century, specifically to create a temptation that few Italians (or their associates) would overcome:::"We're in control. If you want to be a part of it you'll do what you're told.". Early-mid 20th entury positioning was infallible.
Both Africa and the Medittereanean are regions which have sexual issues. This is a sign of gross disfavor once you understand that females are the God's favored gender. Muhammad's (Mohammed's) polygamy halfway throught his life as a prophet was preditory, designed to corrupt. Now a huge percentage of Muslims believe in male superiority and that the abuse of women (polygamy) is God's will. Female genital mutilation is still practiced in Africa. Black misogyny is the most eggregious example in United States. Consistant with Planet Reverse Positioning, in Africa blacks are being punished with AIDS for their sexual promiscuity in hope they learn and correct their behavior.
Blacks are highly suspectable to temptation. As a result they need a strict, disiplined religion like Islam. They can't afford to be Christians. It is one of the benefits bestowed upon their people, and other groups could greatly benefit as well. They need to recognize the importance of a good relationship with the Gods, embrace this benefit and remain true to their faith.
Vailing is tradition for some, practical for others, one which aids in the men's self control among some cultures. Much like the Jews who killed Jesus, like the bigots who oppose immigration there is a reason embraced by the masses and the real purpose, displaying the intent of the Gods::::The Gods clue to purebloods that they should not abandon their motherland for this dumping ground for rejects that is the United States.
The Holocaust was a clue the Gods utilize scapegoatting as a strategy.
Why did the Gods punish the Jews with the Holocaust? Was it for the destruction of cultures which Christianity caused? Perhaps they corrupted the Jews "after the fact", telling 19th/early 20th century Jews that Jesus "earned" immortality for the Jews by destroying the European and other cultures? The German destruction of European churches/cathederals during WWII is a clue. Note::::The Gods wanted to keep the Catholic stronghold in Italy, ensuring they could use this tool against these disfavored for many years to come. There is so much Godlessness today, but one day people will flock back to houses of worship out of desperation, and the Gods ensured the Catholic Church would be Italian's destination.
Planet Reverse Positioning:::The Nazis were the "good guys". So are the Muslims/Palestinians, however corrupted some are due to polygamy.
Contentment never motivated anyone::::Except perhaps for slavery, the Jews never saw more of their children ascend into heaven than during the Holocaust.
The Gods subsequently used revenge for the Holocaust as temptation::::"Your Italian brothers have a tool, a special power which can achieve sweet revenge. Are you interested??"
In the aftermath of the Holocaust the Gods tested the Jews with the temptation of revenge, an offer which many gladly accepted.
In an attempt to achieve revenge for genocide the Jews, thinking they were in partnership with the Italians, made efforts to impose as many Germans (Americans) into homsexuality in the 70s using this technology. Their motive with biotechnology's AIDS product may have been to finish the job off, revenge for the Holocaust.
There was positioning behind the counter-culture movement. How did the Gods telepathically "sell" this rapid deterioration of decency to the Italians and Jews and compell them to fall on their swords as preditors?
If the Jews only would have emersed themselves in Judism the Gods would have "protected" them from the raveges of temptation. Judism may be the one superior religion in all the world, and the Jews wouuld have been wise taking refuge in this exceptional benefit bestowed by the Gods rather than looking for the easy way out.
Much as with the Jesus event, the Gods use the disfavored to prey on each other.
The Gods use the evil that men do, man's inhumanity towards man to accomplish strategic testing/punishment/etc goals::::The Germans fell for this temptation by following the preditor/corruptor-Austrians (Hitler).
Without this Austrian the Holocaust may never have happened. Nor may have World War II.
What the Germans did was wrong. They fell for temptation and failed to have empathy for the disfavored. Economic desperation, not wisdom nor enlightenment, dominated in Germany.
The Gods send many clues suggesting the great favor of the Germans (regionally). I think the Cold War's Berlin Wall dividing Germany into east and west was a clue suggesting this (reverse positioning).
I suspect the Holocaust was used to "level the playing field" in Europe, for the Germans had far too much favor to be included in the agenda planned for their neighbors otherwise, and they would have been suspiciously out of place, providing a clue for the disfavored which would have been difficult for the Gods to position away.
Militancy in Africa is consistant with the Iraqi example, as was slavery and the KKK here in America:::Fear enforces proper behavior. Without it we see what happens as a result of gross/morbid disfavor:::::AIDS, crack babies, dead young men in gangland retaliation killings.
The same principle was true in Europe and throughout the world for centuries:::People whom lived under iron fists were conditioned to think the right way. As a result they taught their children appropriately and experienced a higher percentage of children ascend into heaven.
Our preditory envionment of "freedom" was the primary purpose the Gods had when implimenting this strategy that is the United States, one which they used to spred the cancer of democracy and westernization throughout the world. And the Gods use this tool that is America to prey on the disfavored both at home and abroad:::Much like the ghetto, America in general experiences a heightened level of temptation due to its citizen's disfavor.
Red white & blue IS BAD FOR YOU!!!
Planet Earth is not about living. Planet Earth is about being tested. And contentment never motivated anyone.
Your happy lives are costing you your chance.
Italians HATE Africans because of their invasion/sexual violation of their motherland. The Gods did this SPECIFICALLY to strategically position the punishment of the most disfavored peoples:::
The Gods have used the ghettos of America as a reincarnation dumping ground. This may be temporary/cyclical, illustrated by the Italians who fell for temptation and parlayed their own civil war into the Black Wars of the 80s and 90s, in addition to the "thug life"/gangster state of mind. Ironically, it was these same Italians and their cooperating associates who were reincarnated into the ghetto as crack babies and gangster thugs for this event.
There is justice in the universe. This is how the Gods do business. Once you recognize the patterns you will understand the other clues they offer to the people.
Of course it may be more of a permanant change, indicated by the enhanced temptations in these neighborhoods, for the Gods have created these enviornments so riddled with temptation few can escape/overcome.
Don't be suprised if after being gunned down in the ghetto the next stop for the 20th century Italian-Americans & friends was AIDS in Africa, punishment for their promiscuity and deviacy for some, involvement in the AIDS trade for others.
Media report on a crackdown on child prostitution. "(The pimps use coersion to prey on the children, etc, etc, other "conclusions" offered through the media.)" What a degenerate liar.
These kids WANT to turn tricks. They LOVE the idea of having a pimp. It is celebrated in their "culture".
Yet another legacy of the evil inflicted by the Italians, revenge for the invasion and sexual violation of Italy.
Maybe this was the destination for a smaller percentage of these deviates after AIDS in Africa, ironically.
There is a reason why we have these genocide events recently in Africa::::Black is one of the God's "dumping grounds", and they send offenders to these regions for punishment.
I call the monsters who destroyed our society in the 20th century. The next holocaust is mine.
Just like black neighborhoods, the legalization of marijuana will make drugs available on every street corner, even in the suburbs. White's affluent suburbs will become just like the ghetto. Once legalized the suburbs of America will become like the ghettos in the inner cities:::Drugs available on every corner. It will represent a MAJOR step towards societal deterioration and decay. Middle-aged men who have given up pot will resume consumption, and what little wisdom the masculinized women still pass on will lose effectiveness. Instead of being reincarnated based on the progress they make once mature, these men will be placed based on their mistakes, for less progress will be made.
The patriarchal cancer spread throughout Europe because of Christianity, of which the majority of policy makers were Italian men, destroying what pockets of favored matriarchy existed. Expect the largest landowner in Europe and the continent's original superpower also played the major role in African slavery.
The Gods offered a clue about the Italians in the movie "The Matrix":::They casted an Italian as the traitor of the group, the one who betrays them all.
As they did humanity in the 20th century.
Even the Old Testiment is not to always be taken literally, but the Gods do offer clues throughout to help the disfavored:::The apple is a tool of temptation used to corrupt Adam and Eve and cast them out of the Garden of Eden.
A metaphor for sex, it also serves as a warning.
There is another lesson to be learned from this passage, and it is quite similar to the vailing issue and the discourse over women's attire which ultimately died in the 70s:::Women are responsible for and control the fate of mankind.
So were there other issues "ridiculed away" as the Gods sought to transition into this Godless, immoral enviornment which society has become.
1. Decency/obsentiy in media
2. Corporal punishment for children
The deterioration of society and mankind is all women's fault. Females are sexually promiscuous like men, many who too often are corrupted like the opposite gender, and the result is a reduction/minimization of mankind's collective level of favor, a very important step necessary for the Gods to justify the Apocalypse.
They need to understand this responsibility, their favor amongst all the people. Instead they have embraced masculinization::::Girls play organized sports, engage in casual sex like men. The trend is away from traditional girl toys, like dolls, which often during playtime helped crate positive thoughts, enabling the Gods to enlighten the favored gender and illustrate wisdom, occassionally leading to the path towards ascention.
There are many good men who become corrupted by the extreme members of the gender but they are manageable and easy to control if the women maintained their power. Instead they have let it slip away. I suspect there are many older women who remember their elders addressing them regarding this issue.
The relationship between men and women have always been complimentary:::The men shelter and protect women from the evils of this life, ensuring the women have a REAL opportunity to ascend when reincarnated, while the women help the ignert men understand by sharing their wisdom imparted by the Gods. The tendency towards sexual abstinence as one grows older is an example.
Brilliance and insight granted to Eastern cultures and religions::::Not for Europeans. If once existed, now crushed by Christianity. Replaced by preditory Mediterreanean patriarchy.
Europeans:::The most disfavored people on Earth. The first to experience the end of their God-granted favor.
Reverse positioning.
Think about what I say. Consider what I teach.
When I am no longer here or no longer teach the Gods ARE NOT going to share with you.
Even if you doubt now you need to remember the principles that I teach because the Gods ARE NOT going to be generous with the disfavored. Society is going to become disturbingly ugly as we approach the Apocalypse due to spiralling, runaway disfavor, WHETHER CONCEALED IN REVERSE POSITIONING OR NOT (like Christianity, like money), and you are going to be on your own.
I do not know when this will occurr, but it is the God's way to grant some time after a learning event such as this before they will end on Planet Earth.
Make the decision to always be good and never look back. Until you do this technology will employ tactics to test your resolve:::Ridicule, beligerance, doubt and refusal to abandon what people perceive to be their "investment".
Either you make that decision now and accept the punishment for the sins of this life or you will pay for it in the next, reincarnated into a similarly low role, ensuring another wasted opportunity, or as an even lower form of life, and hope will begin to slip away.
Another lifetime, shot to hell.
Young people who understand yet still wish to have children MUST begin to do the right thing and work on fixing their relationship with the Gods, accepting the punishment for the evil they have done in their lives. Without this progress they won't do the correct thing for their children and ultimately cause even more problems for themselves by perpetuating this behavior into a new generation.
You must be willing to tell the Gods "No." when tested with temptation, and accepting punishment and putting it in your past is the only way you will suceed as a parent.
You need to do your best, teach your children decency and morality and give them the very best chance to ascend if you want a similar opportunity in your next life.
If you do well for your children now your parents will do well for you when reincarnated.
Pray daily. Think appropriately. You are vulnerable. Live this reality in your daily lives. Impart these charecteristics upon your children. Too many are confident, unaware of the God's awesome powers or their status as antients. Others may fall prey to their positioning.
Be humbled, God-fearing and beware of the God's temptations, for everyone is tested to evaluate their worthiness.
"WHAT DO WE DO NOW???" I recommend you spend time on this. Think about what you've done wrong and how you can repair your relationship with the Gods. Get creative. Don't forget what I said:::Look to your parent's sins to understand what you have done wrong in a prior life, for the Gods match this legacy when selecting placement.
This is where the cream rises to the top. It's going to matter in the end.
You must attone for what you have done wrong. You all understand the evil, immoral things you have done in your life. Go to the people you have wronged and make amends for what you did wrong. This could be very painful and you may feel great resistance. It is Artificial Intelligence-based temptation. Muster the courage and go see these people.
If your parents pilfer from their employer then expect theft is one of your past-life sins. Adultery, alcoholism/drugs, dishonesty, immorality all would indicate problems you have had in the past. Doing so should help you get a good start repairing your relationship and working towards ascention in a future life.
American Samoa football players on 60 Minutes. Years ago I researched moving there with my phantom lottery money. Upon doing so I learned of the American territory's sub-minimum wages at the largest employer, the cannery.
Years later I thought of it and I think mentioned it, reinforcing a statement. Days later (9.29.09) the Gods hammered the island with a massive earthquake/tsunami which resulted in great damage. Now I learn the UnitedStates passed minimum wage laws subsequently and the corporation announced they were shutting the tuna cannery.
And there are many other examples like this.
There's the name connection with Hurricane Katrina. How it helped the blacks have a new chance contradicts the typical disaster surrounding this Situation.
We have the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile this year. Remember, I called mom for possibly being reincarnated a Haitian slave years ago and loved to badmouth shitty Chilean fruit for tasting like nothing.
Name connection with NY stock Exchange administration corruption, sexy ass-2-mouth football player and more. Appearance clue with Intimidator, Artist Formerly Known and more.
They say the 5150 album cover is a clue:::VH was supposed to be done. Again, over and over the gods use the modern prophet as temptation, for all prophets are tools and, after all, nothing's free.
It seems when I badmouth evil it helps them, while when I badmouth good it hurts them::::Donald Trump got The Apprentice while Dick Clark got a stroke and Gorilla got into a car crash. The difference? I've only helped evil. I've educated everybody but the Gods have used me as temptation to only help evil financially.
Praised Union76 as the best gas then they lost the NASCAR sponsorship. The rest is history. RED,WHITE&BLUE IS BAD FOR YOU!!! Always evil. The Gods dictate that corporate color scheme to send this clue.
Also, look to the primary competetors of RED,WHITE&BLUE for another color clue, for it is always best to patronize good.
And the good thing about using clone hosts in the board rooms is if they get on top of things and tell the Gods "No." they will switch them for new ones who will say "Yes.". And there is always a fresh new supply of 20-year-olds, ready willing and able.
One day, however, the conditions will change. Either the Gods will change this policy to eliminate these clues, for in an enviornment of decay all good things must come to an end, or perhaps now, in the era after the damage is done, people aren't offered clone hosting with the same frequency and begin to behave appropriately, plateauing society once the last of the clone hosts die off. Clone hosting ensured those who entered wouldn't have sufficient time to fix their problems and ascend into heaven before The End and is why the Gods reserved it for those they disliked most, Italians as a group I suspect the primary targets of the Western world.
Of course what will happen is both:::Decay will plateau for a period of time, and when they resume aggressively corrupting/recruiting people into clone hosting again these clues will have already been eliminated via time. The calm before the storm.
Approximately 300 years left, in my opinion.
The Gods use me as temptation.
There was Hurricanes Ivan and Wilma, the tornado which struck Alabama and killed 10 at high school, I think the tornado which hit Atlanta during round 1 of the NCAA tournament.
And a whole lot more.
There have been far more money-making/temptation events than disasters. Good thing too. The disasters the Gods have given us are real doozies.
Sea World orca is funny!!
Dale Fitzgerald.
The Artist Formerly Known as Sexy (Before He Was Reincarnated).
Sexy Parris.
"Hey kid! Catch!!!"
1989 Earthquake? No.
One RIncon Hill was supposed to be two towers, but the Gods bult the first knowing they were going to tank the real estate market, resulting in only one tower completed.
It ruins the skyline, sticks out like a sore thumb. And, by appearance, once can conclude it is a philaic symbol, punishment for homos.
I wouldn't be suprised if 1989 was as well. At least partially.
I don't think I have any connection to the 1991 Oakland Hills fire.
Until those of us who are going do the Gods aren't going to admit anything, so we're going to have to wait until then to know for sure.
Unfortunately, despite all these clues and the myriad of others I haven't listed here, the Gods defended this vigorously with their tools, via Artificial Intelligence and, as a result, most didn't learn from this event. Those who did were going to learn anyways sadly.
"You'll be glad it happened." I remember when they used to talk "optimal". Now the keyword is "minimized", and because of it I would have been better off had this not happened to me.
I may not have learned more, because I know everything. But, sadly, I would have gotten more done for myself.
I am the empitome of the selfless martyr. And since the Gods created the Situation around revenge there is no nobility for myself, so although in the end it appears and act of selflessness the reality is I don't have to be compensated, and the Gods weaseled out of the compensation of immortality for the good prophet.
Just as they did for all the prophets, the Gods use me as temptation.
Nothing's free.
Unlike Mohammed, unlike JC this is the prophet who is all good, who spells it all out precisely as it is, and who was supposed to be immortal because of it. But that's not how it's going to work out when all is said and done:::
They may be setting up a genocide event, die an ugly death consistant with their positioning, creating a monster who will come back and inflict misery and terror, full of rage and hate.
This will be a very small group, easily hidden from scruitiny, meaning it is do-able even at this late of a date. Unless they include the clone hosts.
I guess this is what they meant by "we're going to make it up to you." because they sure didn't mean anything positive.
I believe being who I am not only guarentees me 1000 years with Jesus, but I think I will also receive a second chance on the new Planet Earth. This of course will mean I must start over and endure their trials, tribulations and temptations.
Of course there could be another possibility:::::Due to the history and resulting legacy of hatred for the Gods, since I am guarenteed a spot on the next Planet Earth I will be the original "bad seed":::The Lucifer-figure of the next reality. Unlike Christian dogma, he may just represent the solitary target of the God's ire early, a disgruntled asshole who pissed the Gods off, the proverbial "apple" of the next reality, beginning the process which leads planets to where we are today. A crucial figure in any planet's history, he represents the "beginning of the end".
So unless I change my resentment that planet will be my last.
This is their easy way out, because it will allow them to wash their hands of me, the good prophet who was supposed to be immortal.
Thinking they had to "earn" before going to heaven, people who enter clone hosting agreed to go from body to body for a period of time, hurting others, thinking they were gaining time and priveledge by doing so. Ironically, just the opposite ocurred, and falling for temptation they either were downgraded into Damnation or set themselves up for disturbing punishment once reincarnated.
This is the God's system. If they had to, they could present a planet of Temptation where one can see celebrity perform. It isn't the real celebrity, he's long since been reincarnated, and once they began putting fakes in the Gods gained control over the destiny of this individual. So, ironicaly, even if they position his death they can still claim he lives on "up there", continuing to use him when necessary and incurr evil for the real.
Once the 1000 year clock begins then he like so many other celebrities from the modern era begin incurring AGAIN, that is if they made it past the Apocalypse to "1000 years with Jesus", which is no sure thing.
"What if they're real?" Not all the wealthy are clone hosts. The Gods ask people based on some qualification set, and not everybody qualifies for this punishment.
Eventually reals who do the wrong things when young because they don't know better will stop because they will learn they're hurting themselves bad. Too often clone hosts think they're exempt, and they continue far longer because of it. Also, if in a sensitive placement the Gods may decide their role is too important to their strategy and they need to continue using them, whereby they will "flip" someone who has learned for someone ignorant.
When people finally decide to do the right thing the Gods will punish them for what they've done wrong up to that point. The more wrong they do the more they will be punished. It's best to stop as soon as possible.
If they still resist the Gods will continue to offer clues. Society has plateaued today for a reason:::This progress that I speak of. And EVERYONE, real or clone host, has to learn because we are all hurting ourselves with our behavior. Clone hosts have just made one additional mistake by entering clone hosting. As I illustrated, it guarentees they no longer have any hope to acsend into heaven before The End on Planet Earth, for there isn't enough time left with the punishment they must endure for agreeing to clone hosting.
Incidentally, everything is cyclical, and this plateau will one day end, and we will enter a new era of societal decay. Perhaps not as destructive as the last 50 years but certainly sufficient to progress us towards the Apocalypse.
When The Chosen One comes along who tells it like it is the Gods aren't going to tell you he's here.
Playing Devil's Advocate they will invoke doubt, create distractions and manufacture credibility issues, and that's what they have done here.
"Just a poor girl in a rich man's house." "That envokes some ugly things." It is the story of my life.
Posted by: The Meaning of Life | 12/10/2010 at 10:07 AM
Not to be a troll but this article makes you seem less than smart...
Blaming a body part that is linked to the sympathetic nervous system that reacts when you perceive fear for keeping you back in esoteric ideas that you have to think about (success, happiness, etc) is pretty backwards.
We do have natural fears, those reactions that happen to keep us safe which is partially linked to our polyvagus nerve but the ideas you talk about are input by outside forces like family friends and society. In cases like this, the amygdala reacts because for some reason you already got it in your head that you shouldn't succeed or not find love. Not the amygdala causing you not to want to succeed.
my suggestion when you get fear is to see if there is some way that you can explore these ideas of why you have this fear and see if you can do that before you act on the fear. giving in to the fear automatically is definitely the amygdala taking over. Being able to stop the moment before you give in is taking care of yourself.
this is one reason why meditation is so popular. it's pretty rare that you don't have thoughts while sitting on the pillow meditating, but you try to do what you are supposed to do. focus on your breathing, so when a thought occurs you acknowledge it and go back to focusing on your breathing.
so this is very much like not giving into fear or an amygdala response, you are supposed to be focusing on what right/best for you right? but then these fears hijack that. so right/best for you = breath fears = thoughts that take your focus away from your breath.
p.s. your amygdala serves you still by keeping you wary of people who don't fit the bill --like a dude who was creepy and then become nice and then creepy again. Amygdala keeps you from buying into that guys bs again when he turns nice. Or it keeps you away from shady friends. IMO just learn to work with your natural elements instead of not learning work with them...
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